Carousel Glossary

Carousel Glossary- learn the lingo This page is especially for you people new to Carousel and Rocking Horses, we will give you a brief explanation of the terms used in our industry, if there is something you want to know please e-mail us at, Marsha ......

       We charge $25. for identification and appraisal of your horse (PLEASE do not e-mail us photos, e-mail first) TYPES of CAROUSEL and ROCKING HORSES, ......

      Antique Carousel Horse, these are all wood, hollow bodies (coffin box construction) All after 1885 were blocked out by machine then the details were hand carved in the factories. They were made prior to 1940, most collectible ones are from between 1885- 1930's, but they were made as far back as the mid 1500's. Carved in both Europe and here (will go into detail later) .......

       Half & Half's or Jug Heads, only made by the Allen Herschell Company about 1925-1937. The bodies were all wood and any or all of the following parts were made of molded Aluminum, Head Legs, & or Tail. ......

      Aluminum Carousel Horses, originally earliest late 1940's or later, from the Allen Herschell or Parker Company....these have been copied and reproduced many time over and imported from Mexico...some reproductions had Coca Cola Bases. ........Contemporary Carving, these are newly carved animals, by machine or hand since 1940. There are several categories, fine individual, one of a kind .

      Contemporary Carvings...There are also mass produced fine carvings, and the very rough copies that are imported from Indonesia and Spain, many unscrupulus dealers are passing these off as antiques. Most of both are copies of the Antique Horses. .......

      Reproductions or replicas are molded pieces in several different materials, fiberglass, plastic, resin, sawdust & resin etc. these are made from molds, many off the original Antiques, a good decorating choice for a fraction of the price, and just love the look.

STYLES of CAROUSEL HORSES: There are only 3 Styles of Carousel Horses and animals and they ALL fall into one of these , it describes the position of the animal, ........

     STANDER this is any body that is standing up on its own , with 3 or 4 legs flat ( or almost on the ground) may look like he is standing still, walking , or trotting . .........

     JUMPER,,this is any animal with all 4 feet in the air. He may be running, jumping, trotting, pacing, or leaping but he is suspended in the air on the pole, his feet should not be touching the ground. ........

      PRANCER this animal the Front two legs are in the air, the back two legs are flat on the ground, he may be prancing or striking, or pouncing.

      The next 4 are an easy category, Either Horse, Menagerie Animal, Farm Animal, or Fantasy creature. These all are either Standers, Prancers, or Jumpers.

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